Expo publish not working SDK44

Hi guys!
I am trying to expo publish and am stuck

Starting Metro Bundler
Started Metro Bundler
iOS Bundling JavaScript [==============================================================  ] 97%

Is there any way I can get stacktrace or debug information on why it is stuck(or where)?

deleted node modules already, rebooted also…

Runing with debug:

Expo Metro config:
- Bundler target: bare
- Legacy: false
- Extensions: ts, tsx, js, jsx, json
- React Native: /Users/redacted/react/redacted/redacted/node_modules/react-native
- Babel config: /Users/redacted/react/redacted/redacted/babel.config.js
- Resolver Fields: react-native, browser, main
- Exotic: false

Starting Metro Bundler
Started Metro Bundler
iOS Bundling JavaScript [==============================================================  ] 97%

working… weirdly… without any change

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