expo init don't work

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  1. SDK Version: latest
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): all
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

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❯ eas init --id 4408F1A6-0F3F-4D7F-8F7E-1B3C6DE02D94
:heavy_check_mark: Project already linked (ID: 4408F1A6-0F3F-4D7F-8F7E-1B3C6DE02D94)
Experience with id ‘4408F1A6-0F3F-4D7F-8F7E-1B3C6DE02D94’ does not exist.
Error: GraphQL request failed.

Where did you get the ID from?

This thread may or may not shed some light on this:

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