Expo haptics & expo notification

Before posting your question, make sure you’ve read the documentation for both EAS Build & Submit.

If your Android or iOS build is failing- make sure you do your own research on the error message first before posting (this will give you a better understanding, and you might even find that someone else has already solved the issue!) It is not up to the Expo team to debug your project or build.

In your post, please share:

  • Whether you are bare or managed workflow
  • Your eas-cli version
  • What you have tried so far

EAS-cli = 43.0.0
Flow = Managed workflow
Hey, I recently tried to use both “expo-haptics” and “expo-notifications” on EAS and I got an error which states “node-module was not found” but when I test the app on the Expo Go app it seems to work fine.
This error seems to occur only on the “Hermes” engine is just wanted your team to know so this could be improved for other users if possible. Thanx

Wanted to bump to reply to get this some attention. Currently running into the same issue using Hermes. Importing the lib as specified in the documentation results in error

“Error: Cannot find native module ‘ExpoHaptics’, js engine: hermes”

Workflow: managed
expo: 45

Also getting this after upgrading to expo 48 (forced use of Hermes), with

Error: Cannot find native module 'ExpoBarCodeScanner', js engine: hermes