Expo Google Login return: "error expoappauth get auth encountered exception when trying to start auth request null"

  1. SDK Version: 43.0.0
  2. Platforms (Android/iOS/web/all): Android.

When I tried to log in via Google login. Expo return this error “error expoappauth get auth encountered exception when trying to start auth request null”

This is my config

 _handleLogin = async () => {
    const { onAction } = this.props;
    const { googleLogin } = configureApp;

    try {
      // First- obtain access token from Expo's Google API
      const { type, accessToken, user } = await Google.logInAsync({
        clientId: IOS
          ? googleLogin.iosStandaloneAppClientId
          : googleLogin.androidStandaloneAppClientId,
        iosClientId: googleLogin.iosStandaloneAppClientId,
        androidClientId: googleLogin.androidStandaloneAppClientId,
        iosStandaloneAppClientId: googleLogin.iosStandaloneAppClientId,
        androidStandaloneAppClientId: googleLogin.androidStandaloneAppClientId,
        scopes: ["profile", "email"],
      if (type === "success") {
        onAction(accessToken, user);
    } catch (err) {
      Alert.alert("Login Error!", err.message);

Thank you

P/S: I have built the APK of the app and tested it on real android phone, the issue still happened

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