expo FCM push notification receive issue

i am trying to receive push notification data
here is code to send push notification to .FCM

> const message = {
>     to: token,
>     sound: 'default',
>     priority: 'normal',
>     data: {
>       title: "πŸ“§ You've got mail",
>       message: 'Hello world! 🌐',
>       data: { someData: 'goes here',page:'1' },
>       experienceId: 'useraccount/appslug',
>       scopeKey: 'useraccount/appslug',
>       subtitle :"test sub title...",
>     },
>   };
>   //await fetch('https://exp.host/--/api/v2/push/send', {
>  await fetch('https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send', {
>       method: 'POST',
>       headers: {
>         'Content-Type': 'application/json',
>         Authorization: `key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`,
>       },
>       body: JSON.stringify(message),
>       });
> }

i want to receive push notification details
here is code to receive details code

> useEffect(() => {
>     registerForPushNotificationsAsync().then(token => { sendPushNotification(token);     setExpoPushToken(token);alert(token, 'expoPushToken'); });
>     // This listener is fired whenever a notification is received while the app is foregrounded
>     notificationListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => {
>       setNotification(notification);
>     });
>     // This listener is fired whenever a user taps on or interacts with a notification (works when app is foregrounded, backgrounded, or killed)
>     responseListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(response => {
>       console.log(response);
>     });
>     return () => {
>       Notifications.removeNotificationSubscription(notificationListener.current);
>       Notifications.removeNotificationSubscription(responseListener.current);
>     };
>   }, []);

in the below i am just showing that details

<View style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
        <Text>Title: {notification && notification.request.content.title} </Text>
        <Text>Body: {notification && notification.request.content.body}</Text>
        <Text>Body: {notification && notification.request.content.subtitle}</Text>
        <Text>Data: {notification && JSON.stringify(notification.request.content)}</Text>

here i want receive the β€˜data’ field.
i can able to get title, message, i want the data filed,how to get the data filed(data: { someData: β€˜goes here’,page:β€˜1’ })
Can some help me how to get the β€˜data’ field from push notification receive details.because it is having other extra data in json format.