Expo facebook behavior native is not working on standalone app

I set behavior ‘native’ for Standalone Apps but it’s not working and get error. I set up my keyhash facebook with command line expo fetch:android:hashes. But it not work. I using behavior:‘web’ and work correctly but i want to using native. Please help me. Thanh you

Hey @duylinhmeliodas,

Can you try connecting your device via USB and use USB debugging via Android Studio to access the device logs. You’ll be able to get more insight into the error this way.


It’s my error. What happen with facebook login behavior native

I tested with Expo Dev keyhash and it works very well, but when publishing to Google Play, it won’t work. I already run expo fetch:android:hashes to get my app FB Keyhashesh and put it to my FB app account.

Hi, did you solve the problem?
This will help you:

As the Play Store is creating different hashes, you need to add the new Google created hash to Facebook Developer Console.


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