
Greetings for everyone!

I have this file structure and in app.json expo does not find ./plugins/withReactNativeHce.js and some other config plugins. When I try to open a linked image vs code does not find it, but he image is at ./assests/Image

Here is my app.json file.

    "expo": {
        "name": "Senity",
        "slug": "SenityNFCForiOS",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "orientation": "portrait",
        "backgroundColor": "#212832",
        "icon": "./assets/Images/Senity_app_icon_white_whit blue_v3.png",
        "splash": {
            "image": "./assets/Images/Senity_app_splash_sceen_icon.png",
            "resizeMode": "contain",
            "backgroundColor": "#212832"
        "updates": {
            "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
        "assetBundlePatterns": [
        "ios": {
            "supportsTablet": false,
            "requireFullScreen": true,
            "bundleIdentifier": "com.freeridre.SenityNFCForiOS",
            "splash": {
                "image": "./assets/Images/Senity_app_splash_sceen_icon.png",
                "resizeMode": "contain",
                "backgroundColor": "#212832"
        "android": {
            "package": "com.freeridre.SenityNFCForiOS",
            "splash": {
                "image": "./assets/Images/Senity_app_splash_sceen_icon.png",
                "resizeMode": "contain",
                "backgroundColor": "#212832"
            "softwareKeyboardLayoutMode": "pan"
        "web": {
            "favicon": "./assets/favicon.png"
        "plugins": [
                    "appIds": [
                    "isBackgroundEnabled": true,
                    "modes": [
                    "bluetoothAlwaysPermission": "Allow $(PRODUCT_NAME) to connect to bluetooth devices",
                    "bluetoothPeripheralPermission": "Allow $(PRODUCT_NAME) to connect to bluetooth devices"
                    "nfcPermission": "It's for Senity Security Systems Ltd.",
                    "selectIdentifiers": [

So I really do not know what is the problem.
I tried npm install and it did not work.
Thank you for your helping in advance!

Are there anybody who can help me?

@wodin do you have any idea?

Looks like a bug in the VS Code extension:


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Absolutely, they fixed it, and it works as expected again!
Thanks Wodin for the correct findig!

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