Expo CLI web page and QR Code. Request.

Right now with CLI 6, there is no web page that launches anymore. This makes it difficult to find the QR Code in my terminal when messages start piling up. I do use that QR code to get quick tests done on my phone and my teams phone. Any easy option or key press I can use to pull that QR Code back? Or can we get the web page back?

Hey @jordzawada, with SDK 46 and expo-cli v 6, we have deprecated Web UI. You can read about it here: Sunsetting the Web UI for Expo CLI | by Brent Vatne | Jul, 2022 | Exposition

However, you can use the source code to build your own interface tooling if you want :slight_smile: You can find the source code here: expo-cli/packages/dev-tools at main · expo/expo-cli · GitHub

You can still benefit from the terminal when the development server is running without scanning the QR code.

  • If you are using Expo Go app to test development, log in to your Expo account from your terminal and inside the Expo Go app.
  • Then, once you trigger the development server with npx expo start, go to Expo Go app, pull to refresh on the “Home” screen, and you will find the app under “Development Servers”.

Here is a screen shot:

Yes! :slight_smile:

If you run npx expo start you will see a menu like this below the QR code:

› Press a │ open Android
› Press w │ open web

› Press r │ reload app
› Press m │ toggle menu

› Press ? │ show all commands

Pressing ? gives you a more extensive menu:

› Press a │ open Android
› shift+a │ select a device or emulator
› Press w │ open web

› Press r │ reload app
› Press m │ toggle menu
› shift+m │ more tools
› Press j │ open JavaScript inspector for Hermes
› Press o │ open project code in your editor
› Press c │ show project QR

So you can press c to re-display the QR code.

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