expo can't reuse iOS push notification keys


I already wrote about this in another post but had to put the project on hold to resolve other issues.

I still have the problem.

In my apple account (Entreprise account), I can see 2 keys created in the keys section. One even has name: “Expo Push Notifications Key KEY_ID”.

When I try to expo build:ios or event expo client:ios, it asks me for a push notification key (see image below). I don’t get what the 2 created in the account are not suggested and I cannot reuse them? I’m stuck where I’ve reached the limit of 2 keys and can’t even download them or create a new one via Expo.

Thank you for any help


Reusing works only for keys that are used in other apps in the same expo account. If certain credentials are on expo servers we can reuse them, but f you are using them on the other account or outside expo there is no way to download them from apple developer portal because apple won’t allow it.

Hi @wkozyra,

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, I understand. But my 2 apps are using Expo managed (never ejected) and are using the same Expo account.

Is there a way to “restart” the process and make sure both are linked with the same Expo account?

Thank you!

If you didn’t logout from expo-cli both apps should be on the same account.
You can run expo credentials:manager in directory with your app and there should be an option to reuse dist cert and push-key.

If the second app is not showing there you will need to do this manually. To reuse you can go to the app with credentials already setup run expo fetch:ios:certs and then go to the second app, run build and pass manually credentials from

I thought everything was working but it’s not… :frowning:

I’ve deleted all Profiles and cleared everything on my expo manager to start as zero.

I successfully built my iOS .ipa for my first app with expo handling everything and creating new push notifications key, distribution, etc.

When I tried to build my other app. I reused my push notification key and my distribution key and the build successfully start but then it fails and I get the error: Error: validateProvisioningProfile: provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate

If you had previously generated provisioning profile you need to remove ifrom epxo serves and revoke on app developer portal
you can to this with credential manager or wit expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile --revoke-credentials

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