expo build:ios, SSL verify failed

The problem is that the ca cert we bundle with our version of ruby within expo-cli is expired. we havent pushed out an official fix yet, but here’s a hack you can do to unblock yourself:

 # go into the `node_modules` of your expo-cli
cd `npm root -g`/expo-cli/node_modules/@expo/traveling-fastlane-darwin/traveling-fastlane-1.10.0-osx/lib/ruby/lib

# verify that the ca-bundle.crt is actually expired
openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in ca-bundle.crt

# directory of your openssl cert_file
cert_file="$( openssl version -d | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' )/cert.pem"

# backup expired crt
cp ca-bundle.crt ca-bundle.crt.bak

# copy your openssl cert file
cp $cert_file ca-bundle.crt

lmk if that works for anyone!

edit: yarn version here