expo build:android fail can someone help me

Since yesterday I am trying to build a standalone version of my app to get my keystones but I keep getting errors.
I am actually working on my mac, but I have also tried on my win8.1 machine I still get the same error I don’t know if its my code or expo that has the problem.
Can someone help me?
in my console

[00:30:35] You can monitor the build at


|[00:30:35] Waiting for build to complete. You can press Ctrl+C to exit.
-[00:31:36] Standalone build failed!

this is the error found on the link above:

TypeError: First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.
at Function.Buffer.from (buffer.js:183:11)
at runShellAppBuilder (/app/build/builders/android.js:46:65)

computer spec
MacOS mojave
version: 10.14
expo-cli version 2.2.5
expo version: 30.0.1
react: 16.3.1,
react-native: https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-30.0.0.tar.gz,

Can you try building the app with expo-generated keystore and check if the issue persists?

Do you mean expo build:Android -c with option one selected?
If yes I have already tried it but I have got the same error.

The keystore ends up being null in our db. It’s hard to tell why… :confused:

I actually don’t understand the problem. I have even try it today it persists.
this is the feedback from the build link:
TypeError: First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.
at Function.Buffer.from (buffer.js:183:11)
at runShellAppBuilder (/app/build/builders/android.js:46:65)

should I show you my dependencies ?

Could you try again and paste a screenshot with whole command execution? Ideally both with “Let Expo handle the process!” and “I want to upload my own keystore!”

ok let me try it

this is with option one

I don’t have any keystoree what should I write as path to my keystore

Try selecting “yes” when you’re asked " Permanently delete the Android build credentials from our servers?"

When I do that it crash

try now

with no or yes

With “yes”. Selecting “no” basically doesn’t do anything and tries to reuse same broken keystore again.

ok I understamd

I see you did not successfully clear credentials from our db.
I’m going to delete them from db. Please cancel your current build via web and start it again with expo build:android

Yesterday I have changed the name of the project to see if it will work and it has I have been able to build it with a new name also get the fingerprint for Google maps. I will try with the original name today. Anyway thank you very much for your help and for your work.

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