Exp build:ios has a very strange behavior

So when I use

exp bi

Usually it asked for my username and password for the very first time, then after sometime it would generate the link to the ipa file. I upload the file and submit it for review and the update would be reflected.

Now when I do the same command for the build, it says
raw:“Invalid username and password combination. Used ‘myusername’ as the username.”

Strangely, in sometime if anybody who would install the app from the app store would see my new build. I would nowhere see the version changes on the app itself and a new build on itunes connect but I can clearly see the new version of my app working from the appstore
The entire process is bypassed.

Can somebody help me debug this. I am sure expo did mention they would automate uploading of the build in the future. I am using the latest version of expo.

HI @xbsdeset - when you run exp build:ios, it publishes a new version of the JS for your project. Existing clients will get this update as well: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/publishing.html#deploying-to-the-app-store-and-play-store

You can use separate release channels for each version of your standalone app if you wish to not deploy JS updates to people with your app: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/release-channels.html

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That is so freaking cool. Damn this solves so many of my problems.

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