"errors occurred in the app thinning process" while uploading to App Store Connect

I received this email from App Store Connect after upgrading from SDK42 to SDK44. The build was created by expo build:ios --type archive. Then uploaded using Transporter app.

Is there a way I could find out more about this? e.g. debugging the IPA

btw this is my unsuspicous app.json file:

export default {
  name: '...',
  owner: '...',
  slug: '...',
  privacy: 'public',
  platforms: ['ios', 'android'],
  version: '2.2.1',
  sdkVersion: '44.0.0',
  icon: './assets/icon.png',
  splash: {
    image: './assets/splash.png',
    resizeMode: 'contain',
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
  extra: {
  assetBundlePatterns: ['**/*'],
  updates: {
    fallbackToCacheTimeout: 10000,
  ios: {
    supportsTablet: true,
    bundleIdentifier: '...',
    infoPlist: {
      ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption: false,
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'We use your current location to help you find nearby race events.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
        'This permission is not needed by the app, but it is required by an underlying API. If you see this dialog, contact us.',
  android: {
    package: '..',
    googleServicesFile: './google-services.json',

I reported this issue earlier today. Seems like something broke either on the Expo side or Apple side. It’s unclear where the issue is.

Would appreciate if you can upvote the post there so we can try to get attention/response from the Expo team.

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Yes, I just tried reverting any changes made but the issue persisted. It looks like something on the Expo build server.

Hi @layerssss and @bluedevil2k6

There are a few people having this problem at the moment. One person on the following thread says that switching to EAS Build fixed the problem:

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We’ve received several reports of developers affected by this. We believe there was a recent breaking change with how the App Store processes builds. We are tracking this issue and communicating updates here: Expo Status - App Store rejecting Classic Build iOS submissions with an app thinning error.

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