error with react-native-fast-image-expo

I have installed react-native-fast-image-expo here

I installed and linked exactly as the documentation mentions.
in my app I am simply importing and attempting to use it.
import FastImage from “react-native-fast-image-expo”;
render () …

          uri: "",
          headers: { Authorization: "someAuthToken" },
          priority: FastImage.priority.normal

I get this error on both ios and android

requireNativeComponent: “FastImageView” was not found in the UIManager.
Any ideas ? Do i need to eject in order to use ‘react-native-fast-image’


The original answer is out of date.

Now that EAS Build exists it is no longer needed to “eject” (which is called prebuild now) to use a library like this.

Original answer

Yes, you will have to eject.

Whenever you have to run react-native link it means you have to eject, unless Expo already includes the package.

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ok thank you!

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