Error Fetching the token failed: FIS_AUTH_ERROR

  1. SDK Version:
  • expo-cli: 3.28.5
  • expo (sdk): 38.0.8
  1. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Only Android devices

When I try to get the expoToken, I’m getting this error Fetching the token failed: FIS_AUTH_ERROR

This error only occurs on Android devices and after building the application (dev mode or IOS devices, it doesn’t happen)

I already did the set up for firebase and google credentials.

Could anyone help me with this?

Hey @tomsoares,

Can you take a look at this github issue and see if any of the resolutions mentioned might apply to your case? [SDK 38] getExpoPushTokenAsync() throws error in android production · Issue #9061 · expo/expo · GitHub It seems that this is most likely due to something misconfigured regarding FCM/Google APIs being enabled. I would do a thorough check of your projects credentials and ensure the google-services file is correct.


Thanks for your help adamjnav !
The problem was because I had a restricted key, I just made it unrestricted and it worked.

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