EAS Update supports up to 1000 assets per update for a given platform.

I have finished my project so far and have uploaded the builds to the store. Now I wanted to test an update - but I get this error message and don’t know how to update my project on-the-fly. I can not delete files!

[expo-cli] Dumping asset map
[expo-cli] Dumping source maps
[expo-cli] Preparing additional debugging files
[expo-cli] Export was successful. Your exported files can be found in dist
:heavy_check_mark: Exported bundle(s)
:heavy_multiplication_x: Failed to upload
CombinedError: [GraphQL] EAS Update supports up to 1000 assets per update for a given platform. When publishing a group of updates for multiple
platforms (up to 2 platforms),
there thus may be at most 2000 assets in total across the update group. However, the update group you are publishing has 2843 assets. Reduce the number of assets and try