EAS Submit Failed with Google Api Error: Invalid request - Prices are missing for the following billable countries: LB

During eas submit --platform android
I received the following error “Google Api Error: Invalid request - Prices are missing for the following billable countries: LB”

Here are the details:

  • Managed workflow
  • eas-cli version: eas-cli/0.33.1 win32-x64 node-v14.17.6
  • What I have tried so far:
  1. Build completed for android with “eas build --platform android”
  2. Run: eas submit --platform android and select the latest build on server.
  3. Proceed with the prompt and the submission process was starting, after 1 minute, got the error “Google Api Error: Invalid request - Prices are missing for the following billable countries: LB”
  4. I did check in Google Play Console and the country “LB” show available for my previous release on Google Play.
  5. If I upload the aab manually to Google Play, it works fine.

Do you know what could cause this issue?

Thanks and best regards.

it’s unclear exactly what could be causing this. can you share a link to your submission details page?

also, is there any further context you can provide? eg: it worked when you did x, but after changing y, this happened

I submit the first build manually to Google Store as usual, and from the 2nd build I tried to use eas submit but it did not work so far. Attached is the detail submission error:

I just received the same error - looks like it has to do with Google though? LB stands for Lebanon, maybe they recently added LB to the Play store, or changed something in relation to it?

EDIT: found this link, but it unfortunately turned out to be a dead end…

it may be useful to reach out to google play support to ask them about what this error could mean

My solution was to remove country Lebanon from Countries / Regions until resolved.
Console → Production → Country / Regions (tab) → then click on “Remove Countries / Regions”.
I’ll just check back once to re-enable Lebanon when this is resolved

Thanks for sharing this solution, I removed LB country for now and eas submit works fine.

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