EAS ios build fails: target missing, unknown UUID

“eas ios” build fails during “install pods”. works fine for both “expo build:ios” and “eas android”.

Unable to find a target named `0243` in project `0243.xcodeproj`, did find `243`.
[stderr] [!] `<PBXResourcesBuildPhase UUID=`13B07F8E1A680F5B00A75B9A`>` attempted to initialize an object with an unknown UUID. `D130354EC2754D4BA54C4F88` for attribute: `files`. This can be the result of a merge and the unknown UUID is being discarded.
pod exited with non-zero code: 1

What do you recommend?

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this appears to be related to the use of non-english characters in the app name and the logic around how we assign target names. you can work around this right now by using only characters from the english alphabet in your app name. then you can use locales to customize the display name in the locale of your choice: Deploying to App Stores - Expo Documentation

you can work around this right now by using only characters from the english alphabet in your app name.

you can keep using non-english characters in name, but you need to make sure that after those characters are removed resulting string is not empty and it does contain at least some letters(it can’t be just numbers)

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Thanks for the quick update.

Will non-english or numeric string be supported soon?

we plan to look into it soon but can’t give a timeline yet. if you’d like to investigate and open a pr, please do :slight_smile:

we’ll deploy this soon: Added fallback support for complex characters in prebuild by EvanBacon · Pull Request #3758 · expo/expo-cli · GitHub