EAS Fails to build iOS due to missing fonts

Hi, EAS build keep failing due to missing Nunito fonts. I have already successfully built a build previously with Nunito fonts but something must have changed since then (a few days ago).

This is the message I get:

› Copying   assets/fonts/nunito/Nunito-SemiBoldItalic.ttf ➜ ./Nunito-SemiBoldItalic.ttf


❌  error: /Users/expo/workingdir/build/assets/fonts/nunito/Nunito-SemiBoldItalic.ttf: No such file or directory (in target 'myproject' from project 'myproject')

My package.json excerpt:
@expo-google-fonts/nunito”: “^0.2.0”

I thought I needed to include the font in the assets folder which I did to no avail

hi there! check this out and let me know how it goes Troubleshooting build errors and crashes - Expo Documentation

After having deleted the ios folder and having run expo prebuild I was able to successfully build the app. thank you for your time!

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