EAS build request failed, GraphQL job is malformed, iOS

Managed workflow, was able to build for iOS last night but not this morning:
eas build --platform ios --profile testflight
Gets the following error after the “Uploaded to EAS” step:
CombinedError: [GraphQL] “job” is malformed: “priority” must be one of [-1, 0, 1]. “priority” must be a number
testflight profile in eas.json specifies a release channel and that’s it.

Just started getting this too, literally was fine a few minutes ago with no real changes except adding my releaseChannel to my eas.json

Possibly just temporary issue with the eas server or maybe release-channel based? Mine happened with android, so don’t think it’s platform specific

Edit: just removed releaseChannel and still same issue. Given how @aar2222 had this issue at the exact same time as me, I’m going to guess something eas changed today.

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Same issue here, all was fine some minutes ago. Expo do not have pending builds anymore.

It is now working! :slight_smile:

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Working for me now, too

This error was the result of a server-side deployment, that has since been fixed. Everything is back to normal now.

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