EAS build fails on iOS

EAS build failed only on iOS. Android build succeed.
Here are error messages found in my logs.

› Compiling expo-screen-orientation Pods/EXScreenOrientation » EXScreenOrientationRegistry.m

❌  (node_modules/expo-screen-orientation/ios/EXScreenOrientation/EXScreenOrientationRegistry.m:141:121)

  139 | - (void)handleDeviceOrientationChange:(NSNotification *)notification
  140 | {
> 141 |   UIInterfaceOrientation newScreenOrientation = [EXScreenOrientationUtilities interfaceOrientationFromDeviceOrientation:[notification.object orientation]];
      |                                                                                                                         ^ multiple methods named 'orientation' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes
  142 |   [self interfaceOrientationDidChange:newScreenOrientation];
  143 | }
  144 | 

This error occurs only if server image is the latest macos-big-sur-11.4-xcode-13.0. In the previous version image, builds finished successfully.

Should I fix some of my code?

error is the same as this one : expo-screen-orientation Xcode 13 "Multiple methods named 'orientation' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes" · Issue #13668 · expo/expo · GitHub

run yarn add expo-screen-orientation@v3.3.0 for the fix

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