EAS build does not execute postPublish hook

EAS CLI 2.1.0 environment info:
OS: Windows 10 10.0.19044
Node: 14.16.0 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
npm: 6.14.11 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
expo: ^46.0.0 => 46.0.10
expo-updates: ~0.14.6 => 0.14.6
react: 18.0.0 => 18.0.0
react-dom: 18.0.0 => 18.0.0
react-native: 0.69.6 => 0.69.6
react-native-web: ~0.18.7 => 0.18.9
Project workflow: managed

We have added postPublish hook for Sentry but we do not see this hooks section on EAS build log → Read app config step. Our Build Id: ba3af699-25d2-445b-b00b-44469573bd67

Below is our hooks config:

"hooks": {
  "postPublish": [
      "file": "sentry-expo/upload-sourcemaps",
      "config": {
        "organization": "org-name",
        "project": "our-app-name",
        "authToken": "authToken"

Also, we do not see any indication in build log on sourcemaps being uploaded to Sentry server as per of postPublish hook. The only weird thing we noticed in logs is:

[stderr] Note: /home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@sentry/react-native/android/src/main/java/io/sentry/react/RNSentryModule.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.

Can someone look at above question and help? We are not able to upload sourcemaps to Sentry due to above issue.

@wodin @amanhimself @brents

hi there. please update sentry-expo to 5.0.3, this fixes the issue on android

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@brents, Updating sentry-expo to 5.0.3 solved the issue.


I updated to 5.0.3 and the postPublish hook is executed (was also the case for me with version 5.0.2), but the bundle file is empty:

Screenshot is from the Sentry source maps page.

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