EAS Build (android bare) fails "You need to have MainApplication in your project"

Ah okay, so interesting update, I just cloned what was actually uploaded to expo using the directions found in this post: /Users/expo/project/build/package.json is missing - #2 by notbrent

It looks like there is no “java/…” . inside of android/app/src/main, all that exists is the AndroidManifest.xml file and the “res” directory.

As goes for the questions asked in the linked thread, this is NOT a monorepo, and im not using yarn workspaces.

One thing however from a project structure standpoint which may be useful is that my package name uses a .build domain.By that I mean, our website is www.skillspace.build, thus out package name is “build.skillspace.mobile”.

Whenever I originally ejected, it DID NOT create a android/app/src/main/java/build/skillspace/mobile directory as it should have. I had to manually create this directory. I was thinking that it may have something to do with the fact that my package name had “build” in it, and wasnt just “com.skillspace”, but hadnt needed to dig in any further after I just created this directory and files myself.I suspect whatever was the issue then, may well be the issue here.

Also not sure if this helps, but my app (i.e. expo.name in app.json) is simply “MobileApp”, and there are things in my project, specifically rootProject.name inside of settings.gradle and android:value= for the “expo.modules.updates.EXPO_UPDATE_URL” meta-data tag in AndroidManifest , which are set to “MobileApp”/“@skillspace/MobileApp”