Doing live development on a device using EAS

I’m using eas to manage an ios app. To implement in store payments for the app store, you need to test on a real device. However I’m not able to sync the build I have on my phone to the server so that it pushes hot/live reloads when I’m making changes to the source code. This is possible using regular expo commands like expo run:ios, but I can’t do that because of an incompatible native module that doesn’t work with expo managed workflow.

Is it possible to do live development using eas? If so how? Or is eas intended to cover different use cases? I’m new to eas so sorry if this an obvious answer

Before posting your question, make sure you’ve read the documentation for both EAS Build & Submit.

If your Android or iOS build is failing- make sure you do your own research on the error message first before posting (this will give you a better understanding, and you might even find that someone else has already solved the issue!) It is not up to the Expo team to debug your project or build.

Workflow type: managed
eas-cli version : 0.52.0
What I’ve tried so far:
Various variations of the eas build command : eas build --platform ios --profile preview seems to get me the furthest

Hiya. Yes, you can see live updates as you code using either Expo Go or our Expo Dev Client (essentially your “personal Expo Go” if you’re using the bare workflow).

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