Does it increase the final bundle size if you use icons from different packs?

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 38.0.9
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android/iOS

Hi everyone,

I want to use icons from different packs (Fontastic, Fontawsome, Ionicon, etc) in my application. I know this isn’t the best practise from a design sense because it gives an inconsistent look and feel but for now I don’t care about that. I just want to know if doing this is increasing the final output size of my application.

For example lets say I was using Fontawesome for all my icons but I want to use a single icon from the Ionicon’s pack. If I do this will the entire Ionicon’s library now be added to my final output bundle just to make this 1 icon work, or are all the bundles part of the same package which would be added regardless and I can just use as many icons form different packs as I want without adding any additional size?

If it isn’t already clear, by size I’m referring to the # of megabytes my app will be at the end for the user to download.

In case it matters I’m on an unmanaged expo flow.

Thank you in advance!

Hey @tkpop777,

All packs included in the expo/vector-icons package are bundled regardless of which ones you use so selecting some from different packs won’t affect the bundle size.


Good to know, thanks!

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