Disable reloading for web

Yea, finally found the answer. The reloading mechanism is coming from webpack-dev-server (running in version 3.11.0 on my machine). In order to get rid of it, I

  • ran expo with customize:web and selected to create a webpack.config.js
  • added config.devServer.watchOptions.ignored = [/.*/]; to webpack.config.js

The settings:

config.devServer.hot = false;
config.devServer.inline = false;
config.devServer.liveReload = false;

didn’t seem to do anything.

Thanks for you help.

@wodin: I’m finally quite comfortable with my cljs/shadow/expo - setup. Right now I get about 50% feedback from the REPL, 40% from the browser and the last 10% I spend fixing stuff that works in the browser, but not on my mobile. Let me know if you need any help setting it up.