dev-client press r

Hi, I am working with expo 47, and with expo start --dev-client.
It happens to me that every time I press the ‘r’ key in a form, for example, the app is reloaded. Although it is with the focus on the simulator.

I have noticed this now working on the latest version of expo (47), before pressing the r key did not work.

Thanks, I hope it can help.

Any idea how to turn this feature off? I want to be able to use my computer keyboard to enter data into forms for manual testing without needing to worry about accidentally hitting the R key and having to start over

Hi @timudev and @aas395

There’s another thread about this here:

Unfortunately it seems there’s currently no solution.

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Thank you for letting us know! Watching that issue now

Hi @aas395,

this should be resolved in the latest version of expo-dev-client package. Please upgrade to use version: 2.0.1.

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Works for me, thank you!

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