Detached Project Launch/Loading Screen Clarification

Hey Expo team,

I was just looking for clarification regarding the configuration of the launch/loading screen on an iOS detached project.

I followed the Apple guidelines regarding the configuration of the launch screen in Xcode and changed the background color of the UIView to the same as my Expo Loading screen in hopes for a smoother looking opening-of-the-app experience. However, it now shows a colored screen initially for 1-2s, a white screen for 3-4s and then the Expo Loading screen which makes it even worse unfortunately.

I found this issue on Github: Allow more control over app loading experience · Issue #125 · expo/expo · GitHub and I’m guessing it applies to myself as well. Just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to completely rid my launch of any white screen with my project being detached as opposed to a Standalone build.
