Detached app wont run with XDE running

Hello Guys,
really could use some help, I have detached my app using expokit, which worked fine, but now when I build the app in IOS will only run while the XDE is running, if I close the expo XDE, the app stops running, i have published the app, I even updated the plist reference, what am i missing?

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I was able to figure it out, thanks to the help from the slack channel, don’t forget to update the schema file build configuration to release

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To add some more information to this thread:

  • When your Xcode build configuration is set to Debug, your ExpoKit project will fetch your local/development project url.
  • When your Xcode build configuration is set to Release, your ExpoKit project will fetch your project’s published url and release channel.

(time of writing: SDK 25)

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