Custom fonts not loading on android

Hi all,

I just built my first react native app with expo SDK 40.0.1. I am currently having issues with the custom fonts on the project. it works well on ios but not on android.

this is how i’m currently loading the fonts in my App.js currently looks like

async loadFonts() {
	    await Font.loadAsync({
	      	'Nexa Light': require('./assets/fonts/nexa/NexaLight.otf'),
	      	'Nexa Bold': {
	        	uri: require('./assets/fonts/nexa/NexaBold.otf'),
	        	display: Font.FontDisplay.FALLBACK,
	      	'Plus Jakarta Display Regular': require('./assets/fonts/plus-jakarta-sans/PlusJakartaDisplay-Regular.otf'),
	      	'Plus Jakarta Display Medium': require('./assets/fonts/plus-jakarta-sans/PlusJakartaDisplay-Medium.otf'),
	      	'Plus Jakarta Display Bold': {
		      	uri: require('./assets/fonts/plus-jakarta-sans/PlusJakartaDisplay-Bold.otf'),
		      	display: Font.FontDisplay.FALLBACK,
	    this.setState({ fontsLoaded: true })

A solution will be appreciated. Thanks

PS: The Plus Jakarta font loads well on both ios and android except the Nexa Font

@oride_othuke did u find a solution for this?