Couldn't find team with ID

I am trying to update our Testflight build. I am part of a team on App Store Connect and I also have my own paid iOS account. I have 2 questions.

  1. How do I find the team ID for my App Store Connect team? I can find it for my individual account on but can’t find it for my team.

  2. I am getting an error with entering the team ID when doing expo upload:ios. The command I run is

expo upload:ios --itc-team-id MCLU7Z2GW6

This is the team id of my individual account. However the output error message is:

|     Summary for produce 2.117.1      |
| app_identifier | ----removed for privacy-----    |
| app_name       |----removed for privacy----  |
| username       | ----removed for privacy---- |
| language       | English             |
| sku            | 1569343077          |
| platform       | ios                 |
| skip_itc       | false               |
| skip_devcenter | false               |

Available session is not valid any more. Continuing with normal login.
Couldn't find team with ID 'FA9F5Y3X33'. Make sure your are using the correct App Store Connect team ID and have the proper permissions for this team
[09:38:00]: Creating new app '----removed for privacy-----' on the Apple Dev Center
Failed to upload the standalone app to the app store.
{"responseId"=>"29bda6ec-8318-46e9-84d4-26dc8e10033f", "resultCode"=>9401, "resultString"=>"An App ID with Identifier '----removed for privacy-----' is not available. Please enter a different string.", "userString"=>"An App ID with Identifier '----removed for privacy-----' is not available. Please enter a different string.", "creationTimestamp"=>"2019-09-24T16:38:01Z", "protocolVersion"=>"QH65B2", "userLocale"=>"en_US", "requestUrl"=>"", "httpCode"=>200}
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

Why isn’t the team id being set correctly?

Thank you in advance!

  1. → account → select team in rigth corner → membership
  2. What team did you use when generating credentials during a build? Is FA9F5Y3X33 one fo your teams? Are you using latest expo-cli?

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