could not load app

[1:01 PM, 1/5/2018] +962 7 8097 2384: Hello ever body, i need your help !
I was generate signed APK by CRNA and expo, when launch app first time it is great!, but if you try to launch again, this error image is appeared and no app launched, any one can help ?

What does it say if you click the “View” link at the bottom of the screen?

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say, uncaught error :frowning:

Hi - sounds like the error it might be in your JS code. Could you provide more details about the error message and stacktrace you’re seeing?

Stnad alone apps in expo are currently in beta not release, any way to generate release ?

Hi, sorry but I’m still not clear on the issue you’re having. Could you provide any more information about the uncaught error shown when you click the “View” link at the bottom of the screen? You should be able to build standalone apps for release just fine.

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