Config plugin "expo-splash-screen" to set different splash screen for dark mode

SDK Version: 44
Platforms iOS and Android

Hello everyone,

a few days ago I opened a topic about an error I encountered while trying to use the config plugin for expo-splash-screen (see this). That problem was solved, as it was an error on the EAS Build process.

However, I’m still unable to set different splash screens for light and dark mode.
Altough I set the config in app.json, I only see the splash screen defined in the default splash key.

Here is my config:

"splash": {
      "image": "./assets/splash-dark.png",
      "resizeMode": "cover",
      "backgroundColor": "#000000"
    "plugins": [
          "splash": {
            "image": "./assets/splash-light.png",
            "resizeMode": "cover",
            "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
            "dark": {
              "image": "./assets/splash-dark.png",
              "resizeMode": "cover",
              "backgroundColor": "#000000"

If I don’t set the default splash key, all I get is a blank view.

Has anyone been able to implement it or has any advise?

Thank you very much!

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