CombinedError and eas.json

It’s been a while since I’ve made a build, while I’m running through CircleCI. Today when running my build I get this error when I run in non-interactive mode.

npx eas-cli build --platform ios --non-interactive --wait --profile production
npx: installed 522 in 20.192s
We detected that your eas.json is using a deprecated format.
We will convert it automatically if run this command without --non-interactive flag. Alternatively, you can update eas.json manually according to
 ›   Error: Unsupported eas.json format

Exited with code exit status 1```

This is my eas.json:

“builds”: {
“ios”: {
“release”: {
“workflow”: “managed”,
“cache”: {
“disabled”: true
“testing”: {
“workflow”: “managed”,
“releaseChannel”: “testing”,
“cache”: {
“disabled”: true
“staging”: {
“workflow”: “managed”,
“releaseChannel”: “staging”,
“cache”: {
“disabled”: true
“production”: {
“workflow”: “managed”,
“releaseChannel”: “production”,
“cache”: {
“disabled”: true

When I try to run the build in interactive mode I het this error:

:heavy_check_mark: Compressed project files 2s (35.0 MB)
:heavy_check_mark: Uploaded to EAS 18s
CombinedError: [GraphQL] Using deprecated API

If I try and change my eas.json to conform with what is specified on the site like this:
    "build": {
        "release": {},
        "testing": {
            "releaseChannel": "testing",
            "cache": {
                "disabled": true
        "staging": {
            "releaseChannel": "staging",
            "cache": {
                "disabled": true
        "production": {
            "releaseChannel": "production",
            "cache": {
                "disabled": true


I get this error:

Error: eas.json is not valid [ValidationError: “build” is not allowed]

Anyone got any ideas on this?

Most likelly you have latest version of eas-cli on CI and old one locally, make sure you are using latest in both places

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