collect IDFA with React Native Branch - EAS build.

  • managed workflow
  • eas-cli@0.33.1
  • I enabled Branch logging to debug to see if Branch can get IDFA from my device, but it can’t get IDFA when the app allows Branch to track.

Hi! I was wondering if I can collect IDFA when I use React Native Branch with EAS build.

I was able to make Branch work(EAS - React Native Branch - example config plugin (Working on iOS and Android)), but I’m not able to collect IDFA when I allow the app to track.

I understand expo-branch doesn’t allow to collect IDFA(Latest expo-branch excluding the IDFA code - #2 by adamjnav) and it’s disabled by expo/Podfile at master · expo/expo · GitHub .

Because of a lack of knowledge on how podfile works, I’m having a hard time understanding whether this code (expo/Podfile at master · expo/expo · GitHub) applies to not only expo-branch but also react-native branch with EAS build.
