• Managed workflow
  • eas-cli v0.47.0

What does it mean if the XCode logs show that CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS is not set?

I am trying to get the onesignal-expo-plugin working, but ALMOST everytime I make a build with the plugin enabled, all my extra entitlements are cleared. I’ve opened an issue on the plugin’s repo here:

Out of ~50 builds, I’ve managed to get my entitlements to make it through the eas build process only once, but I can’t seem to replicate the success.

I’m posting in this forum because I just discovered that in my XCode logs, CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS was set in the working build, but not in any others.

In the only working build I have:


But in the non-working builds, that line is skipped completely.

Hoping someone can shed light on what this means so that I can go about fixing the problem.