Can't use dev mode after updating v27

I’m developing with detached project.
After i updating, I can’t use dev mode. My app doesn’t connect to XDE, it uses only published bundle & datas.
(publishing is working anyway)

Can anyone help me?

Could you please share more information about the platform, OS, computer, how you upgraded, from what version did you upgrade?


platform : iOS (i’ve not tested on android)
OS : macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
Expo XDE : 2.24.4 (
exp --version : 53.1.0

I detached my project at expo v26 and I upgraded to v27 yesterday.
then followed

  1. Expo SDK v27.0.0 is now available | by Ben Roth | Exposition


  1. When start my app, it’s working without OTA. It looks totally detached with whole packed bundle.
  2. Problem is, It doesn’t connect to XDE or exp anymore. I wanna hot load (or minimized reload) for development. After upgrade, I have to publish everytime when modified my source code. (the hot loader was working on detached v26 project)
  3. and flag __ DEV __ is not working. Even I run my app with debug configuration.

(all case are tested on ios simulator)

  • more
  1. I tried changed field “updates.enabled”, “updates.checkAutomatically” in app.json. (It’s not working)

I wanna use OTA in dev mode and off OTA in publish mode. Is it possible?
Please help me. Save my life…

Hi there!

If Xcode is building a Debug scheme, it will fetch the development url configured inside EXBuildConstants.plist. This url is configured automatically by exp every time you build from Xcode.

If Xcode is building a Release scheme, it will fetch the published/production url configured inside EXShell.plist.

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I’m using Debug scheme. (Double checked)

The “developmentUrl” is weird in my EXBuildConstants.plist?
Let me share my files.


==== EXBuildConstants.plist ====

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

==== Info.plist ====

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Allow Coinplay to access your calendar</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to use your camera</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to access your contacts</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to use your location</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to access your microphone</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to access your device's accelerometer</string>
	<string>Give Coinplay permission to save photos</string>
	<string>Give Coinplay permission to access your photos</string>
	<string>Allow Coinplay to access your reminders</string>

expda9b4923076a464f986c78cba8dfd005:// is a normal development url for ExpoKit. This should be the url that your app tries to open if you build a Debug scheme. This should also be the same url you see being served from XDE or exp.

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I found a solution.
The weird thing is… the development url isn’t updated even I clicked “Restart” button in Exp XDE. It’s working after I changed it manually.


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