Can't run 'expo start'; watchman crashes

I’m unable do anything with Expo suddenly. Since yesterday’s update of Watchman (using Homebrew on macOS), expo start --dev-client always fails with a Watchman error:

    "version": "2022.05.30.00",
    "error": "std::__1::system_error: open: /Path/To/Project: Operation not permitted"

Does the 2022.05.30.00 version of Watchman work? if so, why would it fail (for me at least) suddenly after being updated?

have you tried looking at the issues for watchman? any similar reports?

Yes, nothing I could find.

can you share the output of watchman version?

trying to reproduce this but i suspect something is broken about watchman’s deploy scripts:

╭─[14:18:23] /usr/local/Cellar/watchman/2022.05.30.00/bin
╰─$ watchman version
version: 2022.01.24.00

anyhow this is the latest version installed from homebrew and i do not have this issue on my machine. try i imagine you tried this already but try uninstalling and reinstalling watchman. also, you might have some permissions issues on your machine, did you possibly use sudo to install your node_modules?

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~ $ watchman version
version: 2022.05.30.00
~ $ which -a watchman
~ $ ls -l /usr/local/bin/watchman
lrwxr-xr-x  1 Tax  admin  45 May 31 15:21 /usr/local/bin/watchman -> ../Cellar/watchman/2022.05.30.00/bin/watchman
~ $ cd /usr/local/Cellar/watchman/2022.05.30.00/bin/
/usr/local/Cellar/watchman/2022.05.30.00/bin $ watchman version
version: 2022.05.30.00

no idea what’s going on w/ homebrew and watchman here, it’s just reporting 2022.01.24.00 for me despite installing 2022.05.30.00. sorry not much i can do here, hopfully watchman folks can help

Hope so. I’m dead in the water. I tried deleting /usr/local/Cellar/watchman/ and brew cleanup and then reinstalling but I still end up in the same place.

@notbrent Nothing from the Watchman folks. I tried installing from ZIP too but macOS doesn’t like that much (lots of unsigned code and library warnings I can’t get past).

In an attempt to fix this I’ve run

brew update
brew uninstall watchman
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyDesktopFolder
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyDeveloperFiles
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyDocumentsFolder
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyDownloadsFolder
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyNetworkVolumes
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyRemovableVolumes
sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicySysAdminFiles

then rebooted and run

brew install watchman

That results in a series of library errors that are cleared by reinstalling several of watchman’s dependencies. Once that’s done I did

brew update
brew uninstall watchman

then rebooted again and did

brew install watchman

and still get the same error:

    "version": "2022.05.30.00",
    "error": "std::__1::system_error: open: /Path/To/Project: Operation not permitted"

I then gave watchman Full Disk Access, but continue to see the same error.

This is a bug in with the 2202.05.30.00 Watchman.

As a temporary fix simply use an older version.

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ugh sorry about that. i wish we didn’t have to depend on watchman but at least for now it’s necessary

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