Cannot start a new build, as there is already an in-progress build.

I’m trying to run ‘expo build:android’ so I can do some QA testing done. When I run the command I get the following message “Cannot start a new build, as there is already an in-progress build.”. I’ve been getting this message for a while but I had previously thought it was linked to our CircleCI set up. After digging in a little more it seems like we have an android build that’s stuck in progress.
I’ve tried running expo build:status, and also checked out but they don’t show anything about an android build being in progress. After checking the docs and looking through the forum, I can’t see anything else to try, and it seems like the next step is to reach out and see if any one from the expo team can help me out.

Hey @digndirt, have you been able to start a new build since this post?


No, it still hasn’t worked @adamjnav. Thank you for the reply. I’m getting the same message - “Cannot start a new build, as there is already an in-progress build.”.

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