Cannot inherit from class 'ExpoReactDelegateHandler' because it has overridable members that could not be loaded

SDK Version: 46.0.0
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android / iOS

I am working on a React-Native Project built with npx react-native init and have followed all the instructions to append expo modules to it. The project worked fine with the ExpoMediaLibray but now fails since I’ve added ExpoScreenOrientation. It cannot build on either iOS or Android now, where it worked perfectly fine before.
The error I receive upon trying to build is the following: Cannot inherit from class 'ExpoReactDelegateHandler' because it has overridable members that could not be loaded
This seems like some sort of linking, configuration, or internal error, and I have been searching for hours for a solution to no avail. Is this deprecated?

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