Camera not showing in Maskview (Expo development Client)

I’m Using expo for my react native project and trying to use Maskview and a camera overlay, it works perfect on expo go app but when i use eas to build a development client, it doesn’t work, rather i get just the white background of the parent view and the maskview.
if I replace the camera with Image, it will show but camera wont.

          style={{ flex: 1 }}
                // Transparent background mask
                backgroundColor: '#00000077', // The '77' here sets the alpha
                flex: 1,
                  // Solid background as the aperture of the lens-eye.
                  backgroundColor: '#ff00ff',
                  // If you have a set height or width, set this to half
                  borderRadius: 200,
                  flex: 1,
<Camera style={{width:50, height:50}}