Build app with larger assets

I’m working on an offline dictionary app. The app uses a SQLite database. It’s approximately 40mb, but the biggest asset size expo allows is 25mb (to my knowledge). I tried upgrading to the paid version of expo, but the build still failed with the 40mb SQLite asset. I also tried looking for priority support if I could ask them about it, but I didn’t find any contact information.

So I’m asking here, is there any way of building with a 40mb asset without ejecting?

PS: I also tried building the expo app on my own machine using the tutle cli, but it isn’t well documented so I didn’t manage to do the build.



As far as I know there’s no way to do it through the Expo build service because they don’t allow such large assets.

So I think your options are as follows:

  1. Build using turtle-cli - I haven’t tried this myself, but what problems did you run into?
  2. Eject and build using Android Studio and Xcode
  3. Don’t include the SQlite file in the app and download it on first run
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Build using turtle-cli - I haven’t tried this myself, but what problems did you run into?

I’m not 100%, but from what I remember limit is enforced during publishing, so turtle-cli won’t help, but you can do that with self hosted bundle (

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So if the limit is only applied during publishing then it should still be possible to use Expo’s build infrastructure, right? Something like this:

$ expo export --public-url
[Then make the contents of the dist/ directory available at the above URL]
$ expo build:android --no-publish --public-url

(and similar for iOS)

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