BarCodeScanner on mobile data terminal

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version:43
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all):Android
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on. Expo camera

I’ve implemented a bar code scanner in my app expo android. That work well with camera but i try to use a mobile data terminal infrared component mounted directly on a device. He use Scan0Service v1.10.5 to get the bar-codes but I would like to use that like as same the camera usage. Instead to use camera i’will use simply infrared. It’s possible? Exist a right way to working on?
Best regards.

Hi @viniexport_developer

Could you post a link to a product page or to the SDK documentation?

I believe the Expo BarCodeScanner only works with a camera and as far as I know, these external barcode scanners do not act like a camera. I know some of them basically act like a USB keyboard.


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