Background geolocation on Android

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 44.0.2
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

Dear Expo staff,

we are developing an iOS and Android application to track the activity of cyclists. Under iOS the background tracking works (even if not “when in use” and this is a big problem), while under Android in the background it doesn’t track and in the log I find this:

Handling intent with task name 'background-location-task' and app scoping identifier Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent taskManager.TaskBroadcastReceiver process is bad. Handling intent with task app scoping identifier Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent taskManager process is bad

It seems that there is something wrong in the configurations where the system is unable to restart the application to pass it the location. But I can’t figure out where the mistake is.

Can you give me some clues?

Thank you.

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