Apple Application Rejected- your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store.

Our Application Rejected by Apple Many time Due to “During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store.”

Below are the steps, I am following for creating the build for appstore:

Step 1: Run expo publish (with Chanel name )
Step 2: Open Xcode and set the version for application in plist file
Step 3: Archive the code and upload it on appstore through Xcode

Using: ExpoKit
Build through: Xcode

EXSell.plist :





App json :

“expo”: {
“name”: “AppName”,
“slug”: “app-name”,
“privacy”: “public”,
“sdkVersion”: “36.0.0”,
“platforms”: [
“version”: “1.00.000”,
“orientation”: “portrait”,
“icon”: “./assets/icon.png”,
“splash”: {
“image”: “./assets/splash.png”,
“resizeMode”: “contain”,
“backgroundColor”: “#ffffff
“updates”: {
“fallbackToCacheTimeout”: 0,

“assetBundlePatterns”: [

"ios": {
  "supportsTablet": true,
  "bundleIdentifier": "",
  "publishBundlePath": "iOS/appname/Supporting/shell-app.bundle",
  "publishManifestPath": "iOS/appname/Supporting/shell-app-manifest.json",
  "buildNumber": "1.00.000",
"android": {
  "package": "",
  "publishBundlePath": "",
  "publishManifestPath": "",
  "versionCode": 1
"isDetached": true,
"detach": {
  "iosExpoViewUrl": "",
  "androidExpoViewUrl": ""
"scheme": "exp34e0d3fa9b4246da96bb858b09723a2d"


Please help me, how can I create a build for appstore with ExpoKit (Already ejected app).

Apple Reply :

Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements

During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store.

Specifically, your apps installation mechanism constitutes a dynamic functional script passed to the app from the service for the various form-based applications hosted there.

Please note that while educational apps designed to teach, develop, or allow students to test executable code may, in limited circumstances, download code, such code may not be used for other purposes and such apps must make the source code completely viewable and editable by the user.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.