App Store shows different version than TestFlight (same build, same channel)

  1. SDK Version: 30 (default channel) → 33 (staging, default channel)
  2. Platform: iOS

I have a build 1.1.16 (4) that I uploaded. After that, I tested it on TestFlight, and it showed Expo 33 on my staging channel, working as expected. I then released this version on the App Store, so same build and everything.

But the App Store appears to still be showing my Expo 30 on the default channel.

So I tried promoting staging channel with Expo 33 to default channel. It showed success.
But the App Store appears to still be showing my Expo 30 on the default channel.

I then tried a hard expo publish with the Expo 33 code on the default channel. It showed success.
But the App Store appears to still be showing my Expo 30 on the default channel.

I still see the Expo 30 build in my history on the default channel, but there is a more recent Expo 33 build on the default channel which I thought it should be using.

I am confused as to why this is happening and having trouble getting my latest version to update on the App Store.

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