App Store Connect API Keys cannot be set up in --non-interactive mode

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 44
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): ios

I get the error:
" Error: App Store Connect API Keys cannot be set up in --non-interactive

The command I’m running is:

profile=production eas build --non-interactive --auto-submit --platform ios

eas.json has

 "submit": {
    "production": {
      "ios": {
        "appleId": "",
        "ascAppId": "blah",
        "appleTeamId": "blah"

I’m guessing I need to change the command or remove that stuff from eas.json and replace with something else?

yes, as the message states, you can’t configure you app store connect key in non interactive mode. You need to run it at least once without --non-interactive flag and after that you can just run as you do now

Does this mean I should remove the info from the eas.json? Where exactly is the info stored when I run it without non-interactive?

Does this mean I should remove the info from the eas.json?

No, the current info should be there, but as far as I remember it’s not necessary if you already have ascAppId and you are not using app-specific password

Where exactly is the info stored

If you don’t specify that key in eas.json then it will be stored on expo servers,