app slash image cannot be updated in standalone app

Hi team,

After I updated my splash image asset in app.json, I can see the new splash image if I open my app in Expo, but for standalone apk or ipa, the splash image is not updated. I’ve tried to add “splash” to the following places in my app.json:

“ios”: {
“splash”: {
“image”: “./Resources/Images/new-splash.png”,
“backgroundColor”: “#19D3F4
“android”: {
“splash”: {
“image”: “./Resources/Images/new-splash.png”,
“backgroundColor”: “#19D3F4
“splash”: {
“image”: “./Resources/Images/new-splash.png”,
“backgroundColor”: “#19D3F4

is there anyway to update the splash image in standalone apps? Thanks a lot.

hi! you need to rebuild the standalone app to update it because it is embedded in the binary

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thank you very much ! i’ve tried that, the new splash image shows up but the old splash image also blinked for about half second, although i have deleted the old splash image in my project. Do you have any idea about the blinking?

Hi @immortalyang - are you seeing this blinking on iOS? If so, it’s a known issue related to caching, and you can track it here: .

Yes, it seems only to be on ios. thanks for the link to the issue

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