App is removed from PlayStore again possibly due to Branch

My app was first removed from Google PlayStore on April 25. Following Changes to Expo Branch support, I rebuilt my app, and published the new apk to all release branches, such as production, alpha, internal, etc. Of course, it had new version code.
Within 24 hours, my app was shown at PlayStore again.

However, my app is removed from PlayStore again a few hours ago, that is about ten days after I have published new version. The email says:

Issue: Violation of Personal and Sensitive Information policy

We’ve identified that your app is using an SDK or library that facilitates the collection and transmission of installed packages information without meeting the prominent disclosure guidelines.

Since I use managed Expo (v32.0.0), I thought all I need to do is rebuild APK and publish it to all release branches. I deleted node_modules and package-lock.json, ran npm i, but I found that there still exist react-native-branch v2.2.5 under node_modules. Does that mean Branch will be included in the APK, so that Google remove my app again?

After upgrading expo-cli from 2.15.4 to 2.17.0, I tried deleting node_modules and package-lock.json. Then tried npm i, and still can find Branch 2.2.5 under node_modules.

Process To Remove Old APKs says “Only retain APK versions that use Branch SDK > 2.11.1 (released Aug 2017).”. That means, the apps built with current Expo SDK 32.0.0 still contains old version of Branch. If expo build:android excludes Branch from APK, apps could still be removed from PlayStore.

Is there anybody whose app was removed from PlayStore more than once due to Branch issue?

Anyway I will tried rebuild and publish as soon as possible.

I asked this issue to Google Play in May 8th, and received a reply in May 13th.
It was their mistake to remove my app again.
Although I rebuilt and uploaded new version, and removed old versions from all release track in April 27th, they removed my app again in May 7th based on previous data.

As a result , I am sure that rebuilding and releasing to all tracks will fix BranchIO issue.

I appreciate Expo team.

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