API calls doesnt send after update sdk to 32 from 30

Hello everyone, I need help with expo SDK, after upgrading the SDK version to 32, I have a problem with API calls in production mode (arguments [0] .indexOf is not a function. (In ‘arguments [0].indexOf ("Requiring module ‘NativeModules’ by name ")’, ‘arguments [0].indexOf’ is not defined)), in Google I found that I need to disable warn for this i am using

if (!__DEV__) {
  console.disableYellowBox = true;
  console = {};
  console.log = () => null;
  console.warn = () => null;
  console.error = () => null;

but api call still not sending but now doesn’t have body in error

Hey @havrylov, could you be more specific? What are you trying to use, and how?

If you could provide a way for me to reproduce this, that’d be great!

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